So today, I will sew

I want to sew. I want to create. I love to be inspired. Today, two of my most awesome friends & 'mum buddies' have inspired me - they gave me a sewing book full of super cute kids clothes. Thank you Kate and Elke!  A delicious book for my slowly growing craft book collection (well, I only have 3, which isn't really all that many), so I've decided it must be time. Time to take the plunge and sew a bit more, sew a bit for others, maybe even sew a bit to sell. Look out markets!  

I loving walking around the markets then coming home to take up the challenge of making the gorgeous things I've seen. I've recently surprised myself with what I've created... it actually worked!  I never really have time to sew, I just omit doing the things I should be doing. But I love sewing so much more, it's an easy choice really.

Buying fabric is easy too, it's like my addiction. A bit like others have for handbags and shoes (of which I dont own many). I see it, I see it made into something, I spend half an hour deciding which patterns to get, then I get home and can't decide what to do with it. It sits for a while, I fiddle around and then don't have enough to make what I wanted in the first place. I've figured out I need to buy more length. I had a bit of a splurge about a month ago, so I have a resonable stash of usable pieces at the moment :)

So today, I will sew.



  1. I say Hooray! The first step is taken and the adventure begins. I loved reading this and I'm smiling! xx

  2. I also say hooray!! The sky is the limit sunshine - create to your hearts content and I can't wait to see and read about your adventures! xx


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