
I love getting mail. Espeically exciting mail. International mail. Like this mail.

Very excited to get my organic cotton clothing labels and care labels. They are super soft and sure to be fantastic 'no itch' labels.  I didn't especially want organic, in case you were wondering. But it is an added bonus and they feel luxuriously divine!

Ordering 1000 labels in one hit wasn't really what I wanted, so I hunted (and hunted) for cotton care labels. Have you ever wondered what the label is made from in your 'cotton' clothing? I would guess it's most likely polyester. Satin or something like that.

After much searching, I found cotton labels are hard to come by, especially care labels and typically more expensive but Ananemone, who I found on my other beloved - Etsy, were so fantastically easy to work with, I'll be going back for sure. Perhaps it was worth the extra $10 to get her to cut them?!

And my other mail, on the same day...

My prize package from Make it Perfect. There are plenty of friend's babies due between now and the end of the year, who I'm guessing will receive a pair of those cute ruffle bottoms. Or maybe bottoms with no ruffles. 
The ladies Waterfall blouse looks a lovely loose fit, suitable for maternity wear, but also suitable if you're not pregnant too. So perhaps a few of those will be stitched up too. I do already have a copy of the book, but this is a signed one so I'll probably keep it. Unless someone desperately wants a copy? Should I have a giveaway?

And then only a couple of days later, I received a new pattern from Make it Perfect, plus some Creative Cards - patterns for things that don't require a huge pattern sheet, more an instruction card. Love. I am sitting down now to decide what I'll be making next!


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